Category Archives: Site stuff


Oh my God, you guys. is a year old! Ish!

Coincidentally, the last post to grace the blog chunk of this website was also about birthdays! Mine! Which was in December!

Urgh, okay. Sorry. Obviously, Things Have Happened since then, so let me get everyone up to speed: came back from Canada. Started awesome job at awesome publisher. Began revising my novel. Finally sent out family Christmas cards (more on that later). Redesigned website.


A year is a weird amout of time. It’s like a hundred bucks: a lot of time and yet also not a lot of time. A year ago, I bought this domain with no after-graduation plans, no posts published elsewhere, and no idea what was going to happen. It was year of the writer, but beyond that, who knew what was in store?

Everything, that’s what. Every last thing. From February last to February this, every good thing I can ever recall wanting has befallen me. Jobs, writing, creative projects, [redacted], food, speaking in front of 5,000 people, and adventures spanning four cities and two countries. What a life. What a year.


So! Onward! You can now find me blogging for Quirk, but I’ll be here too. And beyond that, I really need to get some sleep because I’ve run out of dreams to come true and I love waking up to make things every day.

oh, right

I probably should have given this website a little more fanfare. Well…here! it! is!

Basically I’m herding everything I make into one neat little corral, and that corral is More essays! More armchair medieval scholarship! Hopefully not as many stories where I end up bawling at theme restaurants! Also, more about food, because I love talking about food more than almost anything, but fewer recipes, because 1. I suck at developing them and 2. retyping them is annoying. Besides, you’re better off just going to the sites I found them on.

Also also, some links to cool things, as I collect them, because I like sharing, and travel stories and reflections, because traveling is also great and something I do medium-a-lot as an itinerant young person.

Anyway, let’s plunge in and make content. Have a snack and a drink and join me! Are you excited? I’m excited.